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(843) 553-9800
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(843) 553-9800
If remaining in your home has become unaffordable, foreclosure is not your only option!
Mortgage challenges often don’t fall simply into a can pay/can’t pay equation. Homeowners facing falling property values, job loss, increasing rates and other challenges pertaining to mortgage payments, often have alternatives. The alternatives include: deeds in lieu of foreclosure, loan modifications and short sales.
When it becomes necessary to sell your home, yet it is likely that it will not be sold at a price that will cover the mortgage debt, then short sales can offer numerous advantages over foreclosure. These advantages include, but are not limited to:
If you face the loss of a property in South Carolina and believe that foreclosure is pending, contact the Charleston short sales attorneys of Weeks & Irvine, LLC.
Do not accept foreclosure as your only option without first speaking with an experienced real estate and short sale attorney. For more information, please contact our firm.
For experienced real estate legal help in the Charleston, South Carolina, area, contact Weeks & Irvine, LLC. We charge competitive rates and will work around your schedule, including evening and weekend schedules by appointment. To contact us, call 843-553-9800 or 800-553-7449.